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Navigating the Future of B2B Media: How Industry Dive Leverages Data, AI, and Content to Drive Revenue

Heather Holst-Knudsen
September 15, 2024

Jane Qin Medeiros, SVP/GM, Industry Dive StudioID, tackles the challenge of proving ROI in content marketing by establishing a clear measurement framework aligned with specific client business goals while simultaneously fueling Industry Dive's advertising revenue pipeline. This symbiotic relationship allows both entities to grow wallet share and increase customer lifetime value, as insights from StudioID's content marketing efforts inform Industry Dive's audience targeting and vice versa

Jane Qin Medeiros, SVP/GM, Industry Dive studioID

"The ability to understand not just who the audience is but also what they care about—and, just as importantly, what they don’t care about—allows us to deliver content that is both timely and impactful.” - Jane Qin Medeiros, SVP/GM, Industry Dive

In the rapidly evolving landscape of B2B media, staying ahead requires more than just producing great content; it demands a sophisticated understanding of audience behavior, the strategic use of data, and the cautious integration of emerging technologies like AI. Industry Dive, a leading B2B digital media company, has successfully positioned itself at the forefront of this transformation by combining niche audience insights with cutting-edge content marketing strategies. I spoke with Jane Qin Medeiros, General Manager at Industry Dive and studioID, to explore the strategies and innovations that have propelled her company to significant industry success.

Building and Serving Niche B2B Audiences

Industry Dive’s core strategy centers on building and nurturing niche B2B audiences. By focusing on specific verticals such as construction, banking, and healthcare, the company has cultivated a loyal readership that trusts its high-quality journalism. These niche audiences are not just passive consumers; they are actively engaged professionals seeking valuable insights to help them make informed decisions in their respective industries.

What sets Industry Dive apart is its deep understanding of these audiences. The company doesn’t just collect basic demographic data; it gathers detailed information on content preferences, engagement patterns, and even the topics that no longer resonate with readers. This real-time, first-party data allows Industry Dive to continuously refine its content strategies, ensuring they stay relevant and valuable to their audience.

"The ability to understand not just who the audience is but also what they care about—and, just as importantly, what they don’t care about—allows us to deliver content that is both timely and impactful," Jane explained. "This data-driven approach helps in tailoring content to meet the specific needs of our audience, which in turn drives higher engagement and more meaningful interactions."

StudioID: The Powerhouse Behind Content Marketing

At the heart of Industry Dive’s content marketing success is studioID, its global content marketing services group. StudioID’s role is to create custom content for B2B marketers, leveraging Industry Dive’s deep audience insights to craft campaigns that align with the broader marketing journey—from brand awareness to lead conversion.

The genesis of studioID lies in the acquisition of NewsCred’s content studio, a move that perfectly aligned with Industry Dive’s strengths. On one hand, Industry Dive had the audience but lacked advanced content studio capabilities. On the other hand, NewsCred’s content studio had the expertise but lacked a substantial audience. The merger of these strengths has allowed studioID to thrive, creating a powerful synergy between audience data and content creation.

This synergy is evident in how studioID approaches content marketing. Rather than just producing content for the sake of it, studioID focuses on creating highly targeted campaigns that are designed to meet specific marketing goals. By integrating deep audience insights with content expertise, studioID ensures that every piece of content serves a strategic purpose, whether it’s building brand awareness, establishing thought leadership, or driving lead generation.

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Revenue Generation Through Strategic Partnerships

StudioID’s contribution to Industry Dive’s revenue is significant, accounting for 40% of the company’s total revenue. This success is largely due to a dual business model that balances scalable content campaigns with long-term, customized enterprise partnerships.

On one side, studioID runs thousands of content campaigns annually, producing assets like white papers and webinars that drive lead generation for clients. These campaigns are often the first touchpoint for clients, allowing studioID to demonstrate its capabilities and earn the trust needed to expand the relationship.

On the other side, studioID engages in deep, long-term partnerships with enterprise clients. These relationships are highly customized, involving strategic development, comprehensive content programs, and continuous optimization based on performance metrics. These partnerships are not just about delivering content; they involve working closely with clients to develop a full marketing strategy, build a measurement framework, and align all activities with the client’s business goals.

"Our approach is very much a 'land and expand' strategy," Jane said. "Initial content campaigns serve as a gateway to deeper engagement, allowing us to gradually scale up the relationship, offer more comprehensive services, and ultimately increase revenue."

This strategy also helps in building multi-threaded relationships within client organizations, ensuring that studioID becomes an integral part of their marketing strategy.

The Role of AI in Content Marketing

In today’s digital landscape, AI is often seen as a game-changer, but Industry Dive and studioID approach it with a balanced perspective. Rather than rushing to integrate AI across all content creation processes, they are carefully testing and evaluating its potential.

StudioID’s current focus is on using AI for tasks like content atomization—breaking down larger pieces of content into smaller, more digestible formats for various channels—and refining content through short-form copywriting and translation. However, the company remains cautious about using AI for original content creation, as current technology still lacks the nuance and depth that human expertise provides.

For Industry Dive, the real value of AI lies in its ability to process large amounts of data and generate insights that can inform business decisions. This includes optimizing operational processes, improving content distribution, and enhancing audience engagement strategies. By using AI to support these secondary tasks, studioID can increase efficiency without compromising the quality of the content.

"We don’t have to be first to market with every new technology," Jane noted, "but we do want to ensure that any technology we adopt supports our core values of quality, credibility, and audience engagement."

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Measuring ROI in Content Marketing

One of the biggest challenges in content marketing is proving ROI, especially when it comes to linking content efforts directly to revenue. StudioID addresses this challenge by establishing a clear measurement framework at the outset of each client partnership. This framework aligns content activities with specific business goals, such as brand building, content engagement, and lead generation.

The measurement framework includes a range of metrics tailored to the client’s objectives. For example, if the goal is to build brand awareness, the framework might include proxy metrics like content impressions and engagement rates. If the goal is lead generation, the focus might be on the number of marketing-qualified leads (MQLs) generated and their progression through the sales funnel.

However, studioID’s approach goes beyond just tracking metrics. The company’s sales and client services teams take a consultative approach, working closely with clients to interpret the data and optimize strategies. This might involve adjusting tactics, launching new initiatives, or refining the content strategy to better meet the client’s goals.

"By taking a holistic approach to ROI," Jane said, "we ensure that our content marketing efforts are not only effective but also clearly linked to the client’s broader business objectives. This transparency and alignment help build trust and pave the way for long-term partnerships."

The Future of B2B Media: Data, Digital, and AI

As Industry Dive looks to the future, its core strategy remains focused on serving niche B2B audiences with high-quality, independent journalism. However, the tools and technologies used to achieve this goal are constantly evolving. The company’s emphasis on first-party data and opt-in audiences positions it well in an era of increasing privacy concerns and data regulations.

At the same time, Industry Dive is exploring new ways to integrate AI into its content creation and audience engagement strategies. The goal is not to replace human expertise but to enhance it, using AI to increase efficiency, optimize content distribution, and generate deeper insights into audience behavior.

The company’s partnership with its owner since 2022, Informa, further strengthens its position, providing additional resources and opportunities to scale its operations and expand its offerings. As Industry Dive continues to grow, its commitment to innovation, data-driven insights, and quality content will remain at the heart of its strategy.

In an industry where change is the only constant, Industry Dive and studioID offer a compelling model for success. By combining deep audience insights with strategic content marketing and a cautious approach to AI, they have built a business that not only drives revenue but also delivers real value to clients. As the digital media landscape continues to evolve, companies that can effectively leverage data, digital tools, and AI while maintaining a focus on quality and audience engagement will be best positioned to thrive.

About the Author

Heather Holst-Knudsen

Heather Holst-Knudsen boasts deep roots in B2B media, events, data, and SaaS sectors. With beginnings in her family business, Thomas Publishing Company (now under Xometry), she brings years of expertise and passion for multi-faceted business models, data analytics, revenue, and profitability. As the founder and CEO of H2K Labs, Heather helps clients boost revenues, enhance profitability, and increase enterprise value by strategically activating data, digital technologies, and AI.

Her latest venture, Revenue Room™ Connect, is a professional network for CEOs and their revenue-critical teams to learn and execute the core foundations required to reshape, modernize and transform their organizations into scalable, high-performing, data-centric entities ready to compete and win. Revenue Room™ Connect will host its first face-to-face summit, RevvedUP 2025, on February 25-17th, in Sarasota FL.

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